2020 artistic goals

Happy 2020! This time last year, my job was so terrible I was losing vision in one eye from the stress. Now I have a new job, and the creative juices have been flowering (plus I can see again). I hope to get back into the habit of sharing my work from time to time.

This seems like the time and place to lay out some creative goals for the year. I’m sure I’ll have more ideas, but it helps to have an anchor in the sea of short attention span.


  1. Complete 100 illustrations for the 100 views of Vironevaeh series. After 6 years, I have 90 illustrations. I can do this!
  2. Create a decorative version of the Vironevaehn block font for use with the 100 views series.
  3. Digitize my Vironevaehn archive.
  4. Start the digital organization process for the archive—­­either with a database, Mathematica, Python, or some combination.

Water Polo

  1. Make a logo for the New Mexico Masters water polo team.
  2. Make a suit design for the New Mexico Masters team.
  3. Produce a crazy design for my summer team =)

Book Arts/Printmaking

  1. Create a pop-up design which includes some electronic element, like a blinking light.
  2. Produce a two color woodcut design.
  3. Design and bind a rough draft with all 100 views of Vironevaeh illustrations.

Arts Exploration

  1. Document and organize my list of artists whose work I admire.
  2. Play with new media—specifically water colors and block printing inks. Try making a circuit using metallic block printing ink, with an eye toward a smart pop-up.
  3. Engage with the local arts community. Attend at least 10 events throughout the year where I meet people and talk about art.

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